
Korean typing practice

Our Korean typing practice service is useful to enhance your typing skills, making you more efficient and confident in your text communications.
Gain a competitive edge and boost your employability with our Korean content. Start typing your way to success today

Grab your keyboard for an exciting journey

You can learn cool Korean words and key locations effortlessly. With Hancom Taja, you'll learn to type Korean characters quickly and accurately. Grab your keyboard and get ready for an exciting practice
Korean typing practice for free via Hancom Taja online

The 자리 연습 menu under 타자 연습 for Korean letters

If the website is in English, you can change the language to Korean by clicking the Earth icon on the right side of the website. The menus under 타자 연습 (Typing practice) are 자리 연습 (Key location), 단어 연습 (Typing words), 단문 연습 (Typing sentences), and 장문 연습 (Typing stories) in order.

Let your fingers free across the keyboard

From beginner to advanced levels, explore the nuances of Korean language including proverbs, you can learn a lot and enjoy your time. You can also invite your friends to encourage each other and have some conversations using the words or expressions that you learn from our online service.

The 단문 연습 menu under 타자 연습 for Korean proverbs

The menus under 타자 연습 (Typing practice) are 자리 연습 (Key location), 단어 연습 (Typing words), 단문 연습 (Typing sentences), and 장문 연습 (Typing stories) in order.
Literal Translation for your convenience
타자: Typing, Typewriting Homonyms of 타자 are ‘hitter’ and ‘other person’ so don’t be confused.
연습: Practice
자리: Locaiton
단문(짧은 문장): Short Sentence 장문(긴 문장): Long Sentence
Join us on this exciting voyage of self-improvement! Even though you are not familiar with Korean, you can easily change site language or keyboard layout
Hancom Taja for online typing practice for free You can practice online typing without signing in. Yet, once you sign up for Hancom Taja and engage in online typing, you can track and review your typing skills improvement or usage history.
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